Texas Reading Academies Support
Support with Texas Reading Academies
Assessment and Exemption Information
- What is the Texas Reading Academies Demonstrated Proficiency Option?
- My staff have recently participated in a related or similar training. Can this count towards the HB 3 Reading Academies requirement?
- My teachers have attended previous Reading Academies. Can that count towards the HB 3 Reading Academies requirement?
- What is the Science of Teaching Reading (STR) Certified Math Teacher Waiver for the Texas Reading Academies?
Authorized Provider and Cohort Leader Information
Information for Districts
- If my district chooses the local implementation option, how/when will we pay the Texas Reading Academies Authorized Provider flat fee?
- Is TEA planning to release a professional development schedule that districts should follow in order to ensure participant completion of the Reading Academies?
- What funds can be used to pay for Reading Academies?
- What implementation options are available for the Texas Reading Academies?
Pathways and Versions
- Are teachers who pass the Science of Teaching Reading (STR) exam still required to take the Texas Reading Academies?
- Will learners in the Texas Reading Academies Science of Teaching Reading (STR) pathway have access to all of the content?
- Who qualifies for the Texas Reading Academies Science of Teaching Reading (STR) pathway?
- Are bilingual, dual language, or SLAR teachers required to take both the English Language Arts path and the Biliteracy pathway in the Texas Reading Academies?
- If I am an administrator, do I have to take the administrator Reading Academies pathway or can I work alongside my teachers in an ELAR or Biliteracy pathway?
General Reading Academies Information
- Will I receive credit hours for completing my Texas Reading Academies course?
- What is the difference between registration and enrollment for Texas Reading Academies?
- Will the Texas Reading Academies searchable database on the TEA website be backdated to include all completions since year one?
- What happens if a participant does not complete or pass the Texas Reading Academies on the first attempt?
- How will teachers new to the profession or specific grade level be trained? Will districts not be allowed to hire a new teacher for K-3 prior to enrolling in the Texas Reading Academies?
- Do K-3 teachers who only offer instruction in math and/or science need to complete the Texas Reading Academies?
Artifact Grading Support for Education Elements Graders
- As a Texas Reading Academies grader, who should I contact for technical support?
- What should a Texas Reading Academies grader do if a learner gets the directionality wrong with a finger-stretching scaffold?
- What should Texas Reading Academies graders do when they suspect plagiarism?
- How do Texas Reading Academies graders mark an "automatic zero" in their grading trackers?
- Who is responsible for grading resubmissions and late submissions to the Texas Reading Academies artifacts?
- How should Texas Reading Academies graders communicate with learners?